Since 1998 in the making

This veritable grandfather of Utah Taco Stands, established in 1998, is also know as the State Street taco cart. It´s small cart on a nondescript sidewalk in front os a sears, but you´ll be able to spot Tacos Don Rafa by the near - constant crowds. While pigeons forage futilely for scraps, bussinessman in ironed shirts jostle with tatted-up folds to shell out $1.00 for tacos or $4 for a Burrito.
What makes eating Don Rafa´s food such a pleasure is how flavorful and fresh the ingredients are, from the carne asada and beef tongue to the shredded cabbage and chopped-up radishes. As you savor your selection, perched on the cement wall by the cart as the traffic goes by, music booming from nearby car stereos, you´ll already be planning a return visit.
Salt Lake CIty Weekly Magazine

With new times come change and our taco prices had a little change beacuse due to the coronavirus outbreak in 2020 we had to keep up with the meat high price all local bought and expenses. we hope you understand and still give us that love and support.